Location: If I told you I'd have to kill you, United States

6'2 (with 1 and 1/2 inch boots on) brown hair brown eyes...that when you stare into them, you can't escape their hypnotic charm...

Friday, September 03, 2004

The First Of Many

A note to readers:
This blog was created (or at least revived) by Sofia's request. If you don't know who Sofia is, then you should.

Well, this is the first of many posts I'll hopefully put up on this site, it is. Now, you are probably all settled in your chair and thinking to yourself: "Hey, this site is boring, it's just another stupid retarded blog, why should I pay it any attention." Well smart-ass, I'll tell you why. This isn't just a blog. This is Poem Of The Week. Poem Of The Week is a little hobby of mine in which I post a poem every week (pretty obvious from the title) on this blog and share poetry with everyone I can. Some of it is mine, and some of it is famous people you know. But when I become famous for my poems, you'll say to yourself: "Hey, I was there when he first posted up Poem Of The Week."

Anyway, this site will probably be mostly devoted to POTW (I can't continue to type out that long name), but I may feel inclined to post up other stuff on here in the days to come.

To all of you who read this, I just want you to know that I originally created this blog for the purpose of POTW. I used to use AIM and it's delicious away messages for that purpose, but since this interface is much easier and since I want to put up longer poems, I need a blog. That, and I'm really tired of leaving up AIM 24/7. I plan on putting up poems every monday, but sometimes I might just fall behind or get lazy or something, so if a new poem isn't up on monday, don't kill me. Just yell at me a lot and sue me.


Blogger Anthony said...

Yeah, probably woulda helped...that, and you didn't seem very enthusiastic about my poems and their coolness, so I sorta didn't listen to you. But now I did create one, cause I felt like it. So there.

2:08 PM  

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